
from CompAnalytics.Contracts.Tables import Table

Table objects are container objects for queries. For convenience, their results are displayed as a pandas DataFrame when inside a notebook environment.

table_run = DataFlow.get_run(138123)

# .to_markdown() was used for markdown presentation purposes
# +----+-----+-----+-----+
# |    | a   | o   | e   |
# +====+=====+=====+=====+
# |  0 | a   | o   | e   |
# +----+-----+-----+-----+
# |  1 | e   |     |     |
# +----+-----+-----+-----+
# |  2 | e   |     |     |
# +----+-----+-----+-----+

You can also retrieve the value of the pandas DataFrame Table object with to_pandas().

table = table_run.modules.first().result.value  # CompAnalytics.Contracts.Tables.Table
table_df = table.to_pandas()                    # pandas.DataFrame

You can find more information on the CompAnalytics.Contracts.Tables.Table contract here.