
class composapy.dataflow.models.DataFlowObject(contract: Application)

A DataFlowObject is the controller for a Composable dataflow instance. A dataflow instance can manage the saved, or unsaved, state of the underlying Application contract. Typically, DataFlowObjects are created through the DataFlow class api, not manually instantiated by a user with an Application contract.

Note: DataFlowObject ID’s are unique and different from DataFlowRun ID’s.

from composapy.dataflow.api
dataflow_object = DataFlow.get(123456)
dataflow_object = DataFlow.create(file_name="path/to/json/dataflow")
property id: int | None

The contract id. An unsaved DataFlowObject’s id property is None.

property module: any

Convenience property that gets the first module. Cannot be used if there is more than one module.

property modules: ModuleSet

A ModuleSet made up of Module’s.

run(external_inputs: Dict[str, any] = None) DataFlowRun

Runs the dataflow represented by contained contract. Any external modules (external int, table, file) that require outside input to run can be added using a dictionary with the module input’s name and corresponding contract.

dataflow_run =
save() DataFlowObject

Saves the contract representation of DataFlowObject, uses server response as the newly updated contract object (for instance, saving an unsaved contract will give it an id).

dataflow_object = DataFlow.create(file_path="dataflow.json")
print(  # returns -> None   (unsaved)
print(  # returns -> 123456 (saved)